The 4 Pillars

Governance & Finance

Our strength : highly customized services and access to high-end private business network



  • Position in boards of directors of companies type Sàrl, SA, Cooperative, Association, Foundation in Switzerland and in other countries (Shareholding representation or Swiss director position).
  • Fiduciary (Trustee) responsibilities, exclusively for corporation shareholding.
  • Position in various strategic boards / committees
  • Operational management of a board (meetings organization, shareholders ordinary and extraordinary sessions, taking minutes and monitoring).
  • Governance audit of a board – Check and improvement.
  • Closing / liquidation of companies in Switzerland.
  • Implementation of internal and external processes for managing a Board.
  • Implementation of digital solutions for managing an Board with Swiss trusted partners. (storage, emails, minutes, data hosting, etc.)
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  • Business addresses / mailboxes.
  • Management (issuing and filing) of the compulsory and accessory documentation of a Board.
  • Setup and follow KPIs and monitoring of key elements and obligations inherent of a Board and its members.
  • Changes in shareholding (capital increase, transfer, acquisition of share)
  • Companies transformation in different legal form.
  • Management of suppliers directly linked to the board, such as insurers, trustees, auditors, notaries, lawyers, supervisors, regulators (state or other, such as the financial, medical, personnel recruitment, production, etc.)
  • Implementation of visionary business management policy such as: social responsibility, CO2 impact policies, equal pay, intergenerational policy, mobility management, etc.
  • Tax issues for company and shareholders.
  • Shareholder agreements.
  • General overall contractual policy of a company.
  • Economic crime fight and counterfeiting.
  • Conflict mediation at board level.
  • Successional management at Board level and associated company security mechanism.
  • Crisis management and urgent actions.


  • Financing solution / financing strategy in different forms, such as loans, convertible loans, equity participation, mezzanine products, public grants (Swiss and European), suretyship, bank guarantee, line of credit, crowdfunding, special MT instruments.
  • VAT affiliation strategy.
  • Support in elaborating business and financial plans.
  • Specialized financial reporting.
  • Implementation of internal and external financial controls.
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  • Support in establishing operational budgets.
  • Proposal of new banking approaches and innovative means of payment and collection (FinTech, Digital Bank)
  • Management of receipts and payments

Succinct evaluation (audit) of a Board Committee

Install digital tools at Board Committee level

Company incorporation

You can rely on an integrated one stop shop to establish

your company in Switzerland

Our strength : a first class business opener to manage your business

out of Switzerland enhancing international success.

Access to public institutions, science research, legal support, brand management, business development, IT infrastructure, recruitment, family installation, tax and financial advisory.

  • Incorporation of Swiss companies such as SA, Sàrl, cooperatives, association and foundation.
  • Incorporation of companies at international level (all continents)
  • Re-domiciliation of companies from abroad in Switzerland.
  • Creation of branches or subsidiaries in Switzerland and abroad.
  • Opening bank relationship.
  • Relationship with government bodies
  • Work and residence permits for all nationalities in Switzerland for individuals or families.
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  • Installation of the employment framework (employment contract, insurance, etc.)
  • Staff recruitment in Switzerland.
  • Installation of the compulsory and optional insurance for corporation and private persons coverage.
  • Relocation service in Switzerland (family, bank account, private insurance, schools, private phones, etc.)
  • Identification of appropriate industrial or/and office premises.
  • Establishment of full operational structure
  • Full branding & business development

Creation and installation of companies in Switzerland and abroad

Fund razing support, business plan creation

Reside or work in Switzerland

Company staging

Upgrade your business to prepare it for sale (Mature or Startups)

Taking into account the traditional financial values + adding the intangible values – enhanced value of brand and data.


  • Inventory of  company’s existing IP (patents, trademarks, copyrights, URL).
  • Inventory of company’s value (Valuation without the trademark)
  • Transformation proposal to increase the attractiveness when selling a company.
  • Strategies and elaboration of fund raising file with creative financing strategies.
  • Collaboration strategies and policies with research centers in Switzerland and abroad to dynamize, change, rebuild or establish a new IP.
  • Support in the search for public grants in Switzerland and Europe for increasing capital fundraising.
  • R&D project framework
  • CEO, Interim COO

+ the brand assessment with our partner Swiss House of Brands, see our article by Chantal Baer

Business development for disruptive technologies

In partnership with Swiss House of Brands,

 We help boards to evaluate the use of existing mature technologies into other areas such as :


  • Relevance of a technology within a global environment.
  • Relevance of a technology within other industries.
  • Explore the use of a mature technology into other markets or fields, for finding new revenues



Deployment of mature technologies, services or products in new markets

International Headquarters

Swissawa Sàrl

Route du Signal 12

1018 Lausanne


+41 22 311 34 90

Polish Agency

Swissawa Polska Sp. z.o.o.

UI.  Olowiana 24

85-461 Bydgoszcz


+48 52 522 21 80

International Representations

Haïfa - Israël -
Moscow - Russie-
Silicon Valley - USA -
Istanbul - Turquie -
Hong Kong - Chine -
Lima - Pérou -
Kiev - Ukraine -
Athènes - Grèce -
Johannesburg - Afrique -