
What is Corporate Governance

Corporate governance refers to the system of processes, regulations, laws, institutions and practices that govern the way a company is managed, directed and controlled.

Today, corporate governance has become more and more critical in order to maneuver properly in a difficult economic environment and with an increasingly competitive space. Entrepreneurs are faced with increasing complexity in the execution of their tasks without necessarily having adequate internal expertise. The laws are becoming more and more complicated and the risks are steadily increasing for the members of the boards of directors of companies.

The good governance

Installing good governance within a company is more than an art that cannot be summarized by following established general procedures. There are “Good Practices” which, depending on the industry, can be used to establish a basis. The operational experience, expertise and collegiality of the members of the Board of Directors provide an appropriate response to the implementation of measured governance. The constitution of the Board of Directors is therefore crucial in this process.

Our Governance Wheel ©

Swissawa advocates the idea that the smaller the company is, the more involved the Board of Directors must be involved in running the company and ensuring that processes are properly implemented and constantly adapted. To this end, Swissawa Sàrl has setup a governance philosophy described by our « Governance Wheel © ».

Our Governance Wheel ©

The « Governance Wheel © » is based on two levels:


The corporate level, which establishes the 3 fundamental external elements of conducting the corporate policies:


  1. Strategy: Definition of long-term strategies;
  2. Leadership: Engaging talent to drive these strategies;
  3. Execution: Executing the plans with the right and trained teams.

The directive level, which frames the success of the growth plan:

A : To ensure the continuity of the company at all times;

B : To ensure the return on investment of the shareholders;

C : Ensure consideration of human and sustainable values;

D : Integrate employees and external strategic partners;

E : Installing the right agile processes in all departments of the company;

F : Implementing controls that are useful and necessary to reduce risk;

The « Governance Wheel © » gives a reference to focus on the essential parts of the installation of governance and its implementation in a small and medium-sized company, starting from the assumption that the members of the Board of Directors in these companies are mostly those who are at the execution.

International Headquarters

Swissawa Sàrl

Route du Signal 12

1018 Lausanne


+41 22 311 34 90

Polish Agency

Swissawa Polska Sp. z.o.o.

UI.  Olowiana 24

85-461 Bydgoszcz


+48 52 522 21 80

International Representations

Haïfa - Israël -
Moscow - Russie-
Silicon Valley - USA -
Istanbul - Turquie -
Hong Kong - Chine -
Lima - Pérou -
Kiev - Ukraine -
Athènes - Grèce -
Johannesburg - Afrique -